Meet The Designer

Who is RB_idizajn
freelance CGI - CAD Designer?
RB_idizajn is a Freelance Designer specializing himself onto CGI - CAD design.
He is connected to Designer Space Web Portals, Webinars following the most actual trends in Automotive Design with a lot of Spice, Little Avantgarde, Latest Trends in Technologies, VR, Rendering Techniques, CGI Techniques. His ART-canvas are mostly ART-pieces made for International Competitions Opened to WorldWide Design Professionals, Design Students or Design - CGI artists, Communities. These designs are judged by professional Jury like OEM Engineers and University Ground Teachers.
The ART-pieces at Idizajn.Shop are all ORIGINALS made in Atelier of Freelance Designer Specialist himself. Automotive Design Concept Cars Originals were made all for International Competitions. Were Competing with WorldWide Design Professionals, Design Students, Design - CGI artists, Even Design Studios. Designs were reviewed by professional Jury and have been seen by a Large Internet community.
The ART-pieces are products meant to be Hanged on Wall and Adorned by the Automotive Fans Community, like OEM Automotive Producers, Automotive Retailers, All Best Author Fans in their Living-rooms, Young Teenagers in Their Rooms, Automotive Fan Groups at their Offices, Tuning Companies and for all Right Petrol-Heads.
Companies who need to process 3D CAD Model, 3D CGI Visualization or CAD design Engineering can contact The Designer to find a Solution Especially for their Design Brief on the basis of existing proposals like Blueprints, 3D CAD model or 3Dscan. Or perhaps if You have processed the Design and just need The CGI Renderings You can use our services in this field too.
Computer Generated Design is processed in Rhinoceros 3D 6.0 CAD software, Commercial version in the order 3D Drawing - Sketch - 3D model.
We are following the real Blueprint Measurements, like wheelbase, overall length, approach, departure angle, ground clearance, windshield and roof profile, front facia design, hood profile, etc.
Position and height of the driver and occupants, position of the steering wheel, pedals, driveshaft, position of the ICE engine, EV engine, electric motors, batteries pack packaging placement, cargo-space, frunk, trunk position, Composite Body Structure shaping, Fuselage shaping and Ideation of Production Process are we taking into consideration too.
We offer you the 3D modeling and process The CAD Engineering with Excellent Blueprint Output. Will process any comprehensive drawing documents, blueprints and the CGI - CAD DATA Output for Clients is ready in usual File Formats than sent by e-mail, or via FTP connection, or in Person on an USB-stick at the Client meeting.
While creating CAD design or 3D model, we try to find innovative Solutions and sell them to You in VR on an VAT Invoice Basis. All according to the requirements.
Our advantages are in The experiences in CAD Design Engineering. Our design process is dependent on Design Brief to fulfill requirements and is following standard Bauhaus approach Form follows Function.
Roman Basti, Ing. /aka. MgrArt./
Automotive / Industrial freelance CGI - CAD Design Engineer